Friday 18 April 2014

Ask Coco-Answers

Hello Beauties!
Here are the questions I was asked and my answers.

1.Why do you blog? I blog because it's something I love doing, plus I get to share all sorts of things with you lovely Beauties. (Asked by Deloves-Twitter)

2.Whats the one makeup product you couldn't live without? Ooh, that's a very tricky one! If I had to pick one i'd pick... mascara, I have naturally short lashes so I need mascara.
 (Asked by Shush- comments)

3.If you could eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be? I'd have to say pasta, I absolutely love pasta! Just so happens I'm eating a bowl of lasta as I am writing this.
(Asked by Wolfe Lover-comments)

4. Favourite fizzy drink if you have one? Yes I do have one and it has to be... Coca-Cola!

Thanks for all your questions! I certainly enjoyed answering them, so I'm going to get back to my bowl of pasta!
Have a great Easter Weekend Beauties!

Contact Me;
@CutieBeautiech (Twitter)

Thursday 17 April 2014

Ask CoCo

Hello Beauties!
This is my last post today, but tomorrow I shall be doing an 'Ask Coco' post.
You can ask questions about, makeup, fashion, beauty tips or about me, anything you like!
You can ask me questions at;
My G-mail;
My Twitter; @cutiebeautiech
Remember you can ask anything at all, I will be sure to answer all questions tomorrow!

Lipstick or Lipgloss

Hello Beauties!
Now then what do you lovely lot like more, lipgloss or lipstick?
I love lipstick but lipgloss adds more shine to your lips.
So, what do you think?
Leave me a comment on what you think, or feel free to ask questions.
If you'd like to ask something but don't feel comfortable commenting
 contact me at; 

How To- Feel Comfortable Being You

Hey Beauties!
This post was actually not planned for you lovely lot today, but it was in fact requested by someone. When I received the e-mail I noticed it was nothing really to do with makeup, hair and so on nevertheless I found it quite important and I hope it's something you Beauties will enjoy, the e-mail I received was about building confidence and how to feel for comfortable with yourself.

To be honest with you I was not so confident myself. If I was ever asked to talk aloud in front of people my stomach would begin to churn and I felt sick. All that would go through my head was 'what if I mess up' or 'what if they all start laughing at me', but thinking that actually just made it lots worse than it was.

My first tip would be 'Think Positive'
 Yes, it may sound a little bit silly but it works, think about it whenever you're in a situation where you have to do a presentation or preform you expect the worst to happen, doing that just makes it harder on you. Try thinking about the best things that can happen to you, the more positive thoughts that float around inside your head the more easier it is on you and the more happier you will be.

My second tip would be 'Accept Your Flaws'
Flaws, we all have them but I prefer to see them as my weak spot. Lots of people look at others and think 'wow they are perfect' thing is no-one is perfect and I bet the person you think that about is probably thinking the same as you. Be proud of your weak spots and get comfortable with them after all that's what makes you, you.

My third tip would be 'Find True Friends'
I was friends with some people who I thought were my 'true friends' but it took me a while to notice all they were doing was putting me down and making me feel uncomfortable for being who I truly am. The sooner I realised this the quicker I found my true friends, true friends are not people who compliment you all the time, you should never rely on compliments. True friends are people who support you and help you feel more comfortable for who you truly are.

My final tip would be 'Love Yourself'
This may sound a little bit self centred but it's not, the more you learn to love yourself the happier you will be. No matter what anyone else says you're beautiful and not one of the silly comments will change that. Also there's nothing better than surrounding your self with people you love and who love you back, for me it would be my family and friends.

Thanks for reading, remember you're all beautiful just for being you never let anyone tell you otherwise.

How To- Get Longer Lasting Lipstick

Hello Beauties!
Some days I find myself ever so busy and at the end of the day looking completely worn out... so why not be worn out and still look fresh and fabulous?
Here's a quick how to on how to get longer lasting lipstick.

E-mail me at: or leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can!
Enjoy Beauties!

Wednesday 16 April 2014

DIY: Eyeshadow Base!

Hey Beauties!
Here's a simple DIY for making your very own eyeshadow base!
Leave a comment if you've tried it or if you would like me to try anything else, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Enjoy Beauties!


Hello Beauties, I'm Coco and welcome to the Cutie Beautie Chic official website!

I decided to make this blog because I love makeup, fashion, hair styling and the odd beauty tip here and there, but most of all I would like to share it with you lovely Beauties! I've wanted to make a makeup blog for a while now but I never really had enough confidence but now I feel I do, plus making this blog will hopefully help you feel more comfortable with who you are and not to let others put you down because of what you like or how you like to express yourself.

Now then, I think it's about time I told you what will be coming up in future posts!
As I'm one for makeup, fashion, different hair styles and beauty tips, I shall be bringing you a daily updates on one or more of these things, also a few how-to guides.

Thank you for reading Beauties!
If you would like to request any beauty tips you'd like me to try and give you feed back on just leave me a comment or you can email me at: or if you would like to leave general feedback feel free to leave a comment!